Tribal Law:

Department information:

Location: Administration Building

Mailing Address: PO Box 219 Maskwacis AB T0C-1N0

Telephone: (780) 585-3741 (Ext:#239)

Fax:(780) 585-2550

Hours of Operation: 10:00am - 4:00pm, Tuesday - Thursday


The Tribal Law Officer works under the direction of the External Affairs Director to research and update ECN laws and amend where required, to work on the drafting of ECN laws as directed by Council, to implement ECN laws, and to engage respectfully with the Neyaskweyawinowahk and Council in carrying out these responsibilities.

Tribal Law Vision Statement:

Complete and enforced ECN laws in accordance with our Inherent and Treaty Rights

Tribal Law Mission Statement:

To maintain, protect and communicate the Ermineskin Cree Nation Constitution and Tribal Laws.”

Tribal Law Value Statements:

Honor – To honor our tribal jurisprudence with the best interest of our Nation citizens

Accountability – To hold the department to a professional level of excellence

Integrity – Ensuring our work is done with honesty and strong moral principles

Ethics – To adhere to our Neyhiyaw customs and traditions

Respect – To always remain respectful and ensure the dignity of all Nation Citizens

Dog Care and Control Program:

The Ermineskin Dog Care and Control Program (DCCP) was formed in 2017 with a mission to improve community safety and dog welfare in our Nation. The Ermineskin DCCP is one of the first programs of its kind in First Nation communities.

Ermineskin Cree Nation “Cows and Plows” Specific Claim

For more information on the Claim and the History/Data procured is available for Ermineskin Cree Nation Citizenship to review, study, and keep a general household record of Ermineskin affairs, Please Contact Josh Littlechild at 780-585-3741 or email at the Ermineskin Cree Nation Administration Building during regular business hours, at your earliest convenience.